Last night 'South Park''s new episode poked fun at the New Jersey craze. The most notable of their slams was on the cast of 'Jersey Shore', especially Snooki. In fact, they created a creature and called it a "Snooki." It was pretty much amazing and I didn't stop laughing through the whole episode. Snooki's creature was decked out in a bikini top, fuzzy slippers, carrying a cocktail, eating pickles and of courses adorning the infamous hair poof. The best part was she ran around making a sound quite similar to the popular "waaaah" of the real Snooki and demanding "smoosh smoosh" from everyone's favorite South Park characters. According to today, Snooki is just taking this as another sign of her growing fame (and she's probably right). South Park's depiction was epic in every sense of the word. I do have to admit that I am a viewer of 'Jersey Shore,' and I find something fascinating about shows that embellish the New Jersey culture. There of course was a clip with "The Situation," (who by the way was just voted off of 'Dancing With the Stars' Tuesday night for his insult on dancing.) I was slightly disappointed that they didn't pick on him a little more. The characters kidnapped him and were interrogating him and e sat in a chair holding up his shirt. I was also a little sad that they didn't spend more time on J WOWW or any of the other characters, but it was only a 30 min episode (maybe should have been a movie...) Kyle discovered that his mother was from Jersey (refereed to as "S-WOWW Titty-bang) and in his first 2 months as a fetus they lived in New Jersey. This created the character Kyley-B (after Pauly-D) which was a good edition to the episode. He had the famous Pauly-D blow out and ripped his sleeves off. He also used his Jersey attitude to save Cartman from the Snooki. The plot of the episode is that New Jersey is taking over, and the residents of South Park must stop the people from New Jersey so that they don't become West Jersey. The characters recruit Osama Bin Laden to crash plans into the New Jerseyians and then shoot him in the end (as not to offend too bad).
Many people may not have caught another Jersey show reference, but the Jersey hair salon wa sa direct reference to a show called 'Jerseylicious' about a New Jersey hair salon, the Gatsby Salon. In fact, the hair dressers were cartoon copies of the actual attention-getters on the show Tracy and Olivia.
In the same scene there was also a very noticeable jab at the 'Real Housewives of New Jersey.'
Notable quotes from last night's episode:
Cartman: :You’re a ginger, you’re a Jew and you’re from Jersey – Strike Three, Kyle, you’re out!"
Kyle’s Mom: "You can take the fetus out of Jersey, but you can’t take the Jersey out of the fetus."
Kyle (as jersey Kyle): "Put that cabbage in your f'in muff!"
With this sudden increase in New Jersey related TV Shows, it was only a matter of time before South Park was all over it.
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